Visualytics AI
Visualytics AI solves high-impact problems by developing computationally efficient algorithms to enable pervasive artificial intelligence. With our technology, every device - no matter how big or small - will have intelligence. In a more intelligent world, people and businesses are free from manual tasks and can make better decisions much more quickly.
"Active Perception, Across all Cameras"

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Much of the recent innovation within machine learning has revolved around scaling up models. These large models allow for more complex ideas and tasks to be captured at the cost of massively increased hardware requirements. Visualytics AI has developed a suite of innovative algorithms that compress and optimize state of the art models to work with hardware that is more than an order of magnitude smaller than that used by competitors.
Visualytics AI provides perception solutions across a broad range of industries, from Retail and Smart Home to Government. The Visualytics Platform is designed to be useful from the very start, from application-specific, out-of-the-box models to easy integration with edge devices and the cloud. The result is secure data, decreased data processing costs, and faster, more accurate insights.
OnBoarding Suite
OnBoarding Suite
- Identification Document Validation
- Identification Document Validation
- OCR (Template Extraction + Fields Extraction)
- Selfie to ID Document Photo Matching
- Selfie to Video Selfie Matching Algorithm
- Fingerprint Verification Algorithm
- Liveliness Checks
- Conversion to Impressions
- Face-Analytics
- Face Recognition
- Facial Unlock
- Facial Expression/ Emotions Recognition (Sad, Under-Stress, Crying, Depressed, etc.)
- Facial Pain Detector
- For cosmetic/ beautification products
- For dentists, eyes specialists/ spectacles
- Thumb, Finger, and Palm Analytics
- For Device Unlocks
- Gait Analytics
- Image and Video Classification
- Object Detection and Attribution
- Video Annotation
- Sight-Sensitive Narrator for Blind Person or Machine
- Image Comparison Analytics
- Anomaly/ Defects Detection
- Classification of Object Shape/ Size
- Automatic Video Redaction API
- Artificial Theatrics for Entertainment (Deep Learning)
Physical Motion
- Motion Detection
- Object Movement Recognition
- Physical body movement/ posture state recognition
- Skeleton Tracker
- Head Tracking for Human Computer Interaction
- Gesture Recognition
- Gesture to Action interpretation (Go, Stop, Turn, etc) - Human Computer Interaction
- Sign Language interpreter
- Physical Activity Analysis
- Sports/ fitness activity / gesture recognition and rating system
- Eyes Movement Tracking
- For HCI (Human Computer Interaction)
- Face-Mask [Yes / No]
- Dress Code (Uniform, Tie, Cap) [Yes / No]
- Mandatory Stop (Sanitizer Touch, Hands Wash) [Yes / No]
- Mandatory distance / Crowd gathering threshold breach [Yes / No]
- Helmet [Yes / No]
- Seat-Belt [Yes / No]
Smart Vision Retail Analytics
- Sight Factory Packaging Analytics
- Retail Shops Footfall Analysis
- Retail Lobby Analytics
- Retail Outlet Analytics (Smart-Mart)
- Retail Engagement - CartPath (Augmented Reality)
- Sight-Sensitive Auto-Cart / Auto-Checkout
Smart Surveillance
- People Counting
- Dynamic Attendance and Unrecognized Face Alter System [Yes / No]
- Abandoned Object Detection
- Camera Tampering Detection
- Vandal Detection
- Paint Spray detection
- Vehicle Illicit Parking Detection
- Face Detection for POI (Person of Interest)
- Illegal Activity (Arms, Bandits, Snatching, Terrorism, etc) Detection
- Air Vehicles Detection
- Car number plate detection
Detects: Gender, Race, Clothes, Brand Logos, Age, Facial Addons (Hats, Glasses, Eyepatch, Nosepins, Piercings, Emotions etc).
- For waiting platforms (Airports, Tubes, Hospitals, Government Services, Banks, Cinemas, etc)
- For Vending Machines
- For Traffic Signals
- Video and Audio Analysis and Automatic Product (SKU) Retrieval with Add to Cart Action Button
Drone / Satellite
Imagery Analysis
Imagery Analysis
- Presence Analysis
- Sites Under Construction Analysis
- Garbage and Waste Accumulation Analysis
- Helipad Sites Analysis
- Public Park/ Recreational Areas Analysis
- Size Analysis
- Open Area Analysis
- House/ Pool Analysis
- Forest Vegetation and Fire Analysis
- Density Analysis
- Traffic and Traffic Flow Analysis
- Public Places Crowd Analysis
- Parking View Vehicles
- Airports/ Aircraft Density Analysis
- Oil Rigs Analysis
Smart-Vision Solutions around Health-Care industry
- Patient-Monitoring Auto-Patient-Focus Technology (with wearable) and Auto-face redacting to focus only on patients and their wares not on anything else.
- Monitor Sleep/ Wake Cycle Duration
- Monitor Intakes (Liquid: Water/ Juice, Medicine)
- Monitor Stretches/ Exercise
- Monitor Outtake (Pee Container)
- Monitor Patient Posture (Sit, Sleep, Trying to stand, etc)
- Monitor Patient Pain (reading expressions)
- Personalized Smart-Eye Assist App (then glasses) for blind.
- Detect obstructions and narrate a path to navigate
- Recognize objects in area of focus
- Read Text
- Recognize Faces
- Narrate the scene (room you’re in, what’s changing in the room if anything)
- Detect Anomalies and Differences in Medical Imaging/ Diagnostic Radiology With Microsoft Inner-Eye DeepLearning:
- X-Rays
- CT-Scans
- MRIs
- Ultrasound
What can Visualytics AI do for your intelligent applications?
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